exposing ray and greys server! Ray and grey hands down are mean people but when they dont care about a server anymore ray will send people to raid the server he desires to go down... Ray has turned into a selfish jerk from a kind and nice person who would help out on my server... Ray and Grey are both assholes and they raided my server... Ray tries to compare his server to mine but look at the server ranks his own : 1277/3500... mine : 135/3500. These are my facts about ray and grey I hope their server goes down just like how they tok down mine. Have a good day
exposing ray and greys server! Ray and grey hands down are mean people but when they dont care about a server anymore ray will send people to raid the server he desires to go down... Ray has turned into a selfish jerk from a kind and nice person who would help out on my server... Ray and Grey are both assholes and they raided my server... Ray tries to compare his server to mine but look at the server ranks his own : 1277/3500... mine : 135/3500. These are my facts about ray and grey I hope their server goes down just like how they tok down mine. Have a good day