1.) NO inappropriate content in the chat. (15m Mute)
2.) Do NOT take advantage of exploits. (1w Ban)
3.) Staff/Player disrespect is NOT tolerated. (15m Mute)
4.) ONLY birch plates can be used during a raid. (15m Ban)
5.) ANY Hack/Cheat that gives you an advantage is not tolerated. (Permanent Ban)
6.) Do NOT ask staff for items, vehicles, etc. (5m Mute)
7.) Do NOT spam the chat. (15m Mute)
8.) NO threatening to DDoS the server. (Permanent Ban)
NOTE: If the same rules are broken continuously the punishments MAY get longer.
Amazing Admins and Moderators.
Airdrop every 30 minutes.
In-game shop
Vote rewards
Voting instructions
While in-game type /vote and follow the instructions on how to vote for the server on 2 websites!
Visit our website at Cosmic-Unturned.enjin.com!
How to vote for a server
To vote for this server click the Like button located here!