IMPORTANT NOTE: This server on this website was made my ThisIsJ4cob (I DO NOT OWN SERVER)

This server is owned by MR.Tiny_Car he did a very good job in making this beautiful server so make sure to give him credit for what he has done!!

| Rules Below |

1) Client modifications: Using third party client modifications such as "No recoil" to give yourself a competitive advantage over others is strictly forbidden. You will be permanently banned from our servers with no exceptions.

2) Glitching: Glitching into inaccessable areas or players bases is strictly forbidden. You will be permanently banned from the server with no warnings.

3) Harassment: Harassment of other players or staff members will not be tolerated. This includes verbal abuse via chat, mic and repeated unwanted tpa requests. You will be give a warning for doing this and then a kick. It will then be reported to either Tiny, Violator or br0ken to deal with it.

4) Spamming: Spamming is not allowed. The server has a text spam prevention but not a voice chat option. You will be given one warning then kicked. For TPA spamming you will be given one warning and then kicked.

5) Object spam: Placing multiple signs stating the same thing or a variation of, in the same area, is not allowed. Building huge walls from "floors" is not allowed. Placing hundreds of any item, with no real reason, is not allowed.
5a) Walling off areas with huge walls is also forbidden.

6) Spawn traps: Placing barb wire or any item that can harm a player in public spawn points is not allowed. You will be banned without warning.

7) Threats against our servers: Making threats against our server such as "I WILL DDOS YOU" will result in a permanent ban. You will be given no warning

8) Language: Please speak English in world chat. We are fine with the occasional short conversation in a different language please try to keep non-English messages to either group or area chat. Also try to keep swearting down, as we sometimes might have younger children on.

9) TPA killing: Don’t TPA to someone and straight away kill them. You will not be given a warning. You will insta banned for 24 hours.

10) Disrespecting staff: Talking back to staff. General disrespect. You will be given one warning and then banned for up to 24 hours

Base rules
1) No sentries outside of your base.

2) You can not get your base safezoned by an admin

3) Please keep your base to a reasonable size. If Tinycar or br0ken decides its to big or glitchy, they will remove it.

Admin and moderator rules
For Staff
1) /i: Don't abuse /i. Most op stuff is blacklisted but if you are running around with an insane killstreak you will be removed from staff for 24 hours, and demoted. You will also be reevaluated for staff. This could mean losing your staff rank

2) /v: Dont abuse /v. Everytime one gets spawned, it will make the server run slower. You will recieve a warning for failure to comply

3) Teleport: don’t /tp to people unless they are asking for help. Don’t /tpall to silo22 or anywhere harmful.

4) Admin base: Don’t use /i to spawn in stuff for a giant metal base. Please keep bases to a resizable size and don’t use a thousand sentries. Don’t spawn in stuff to raid bases. If Tiny or br0ken thinks you base is breaking the rules they can remove it.

5) Kits: Don't abuse your powers to create kits. This is not to be added because, if by some accident, it becomes open to everyone, then we will have a problem. You will be given one warning.

6) Trolling: Do not use any of your powers to troll or be annoying to any player on the server.

For staff helping people
1) Do not spawn in any items for normal people. This will result in a warning. Just redirect them to the /kits command.

2) If they ask for a vehicle, you may give them a quad by doing '/v quad'. Anything else will get a warning.

Thanks, Tiny's Server Staff Team

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Server Information
Rank: 3404


IP + Port:

Map: Offline

Players: Offline

Location: Australia

Difficulty: Easy

Mode: PvP   NoSync

Likes: 0

Favorites: 1

VoteRewards: No

Last Query: 2 minutes ago

Registered by: ThisIsj4cob

Server Registered: Nov 30, 2016

Server Uptime
0% 0%
