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YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvC6jR7a_8M


Become a member for additional perks, more vault space and unlimited garage slots for MVP!





Toxicity began to create a balanced game-play server for Unturned players that wanted to experience PvE and PvP on the same server and is targeted toward an MMORPG playstyle. Even though it is full time PvP, you don't lose any items (other than equiped weapons), money, or skills when killed by other players. The server implements a multitude of plugins and mods to drastically alter the typical game-play of Unturned. The server does away with Tpa because we feel it ruins the experience. The server has a Shop system, Player Vault System, Custom Website based Garage System, Custom Crafting and Leveling, One of a kind User Interface and much much more.. There are 2 kits available to server guests. Starter (clothing, weapons) Food (1 cans of beans, 1 bottle of water) This is a PvP survival server, its not easy to get started, but remember you don't lose your gear, as you increase in leveling your gear, you become more deadly of an adversary. There are air drops. You may buy all vehicles from the shop, Everything is automated, rewards, shop system, vehicle purchase, vehicle garage. The Economy is based on #Dibs, a digital currency that you can trade with others for loot. The shop sells seeds and buys back vegetation at a greater value so you can make use of farming for profit.

The garage system is very unique, you must purchase your garage slots. You can check the cost with /garage cost 1, to see the cost of the next slot. Some slots require #Dibs and for you to have a certain number of "Points" on your leveling. Server guests can purchase up to a maximum of 3 Garage slots, VIP and MVP can continue to purchase garage slots up to a set number but must still buy them with in game currency, also note that the cost continues to climb the more slots you have accumulated.

We offer MVP and VIP Ranks.

This server features a character and gear progression system that rewards you with gear and supplies that will help you survive, and fight other players and groups!

We are constantly getting custom plugins developed by our team of developers at SDplugins to further progress our play-style ideas.

We also have Mod Development team members that are always working on new ideas to progress our custom gear and crafting system.

The server administration team is very active.

The server staff runs custom events on both purge days and other days at random. Some of the rewards for the events include fully decked out weapons and / or vehicles.

The best part of the server is the character progression. There are 13 Tiers to the system and currently a 9 Tier Gear system is being developed (End Game Gear). You level up and earn in game currency by killing zombies, Farming, Collecting Wood From Trees, Mining, Killing Animals. 3 points for regular zombies and 40 points for Mega zombies. You also get 10pts per player kill.. This server also has Boss zombies turned on (Mostly for questing on Russia but the are also a valuable asset to the zombie culture.)

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Server Information
Rank: 293


IP + Port:

Map: Offline

Players: Offline

Location: USA

Difficulty: Normal

Mode: PvP   Sync

Website: Click here to visit this server's website!

Likes: 0

Favorites: 402

VoteRewards: Yes

Last Query: 3 minutes ago

Registered by: slaterbbx

Server Registered: Feb 16, 2017

Server Uptime
0% 0%


stormlight7 years ago

This is one of the best Unturned servers that I've ever played on. Not only are the admins friendly and online, they're always looking to make the server (and game) better by creating new (and balanced) mods for us to enjoy.

Also, don't let the PvP side of things stop you from trying it out. The PvE times give you lots of room to build a base and prepare - even if you don't have a group of friends with you.

9.75/10!!! My only complaint is that we need more awesome players and groups to help bring the admins vision of Unturned Faction warfare to life.