Welcome to HavocRP, We hope you Enjoy your stay!
Do /Jobs, /Theft, /Roleplay, /holdup, /raiding, and /guns!
Donate to get Awesome perks, ranks, kits Etc. W.I.P.
Remember to keep the email the you used to donate, To prove your donation. Tell Triggered that you have donated to recive your perk's.
This is a NO KOS Server, Strict RP!
Please chat in english. Be polite.
Do /Jobs, /Theft, /Roleplay, /holdup, /raiding, and /guns!
We are searchin staff and Cops.
Check out our forum at W.I.P
If you have any questions ask an admin on our W.I.P.
Please chat in english. Be polite.
Join our TeamSpeak 3 server at
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