ip: our discord invite code is bNUtk9A


Map ; Lost Hope (will be slowly editing the map over time to add new features and workshop)

Workshop ; presently there are none but will slowly be added with map modifications

Zombies ; [VERY ABUNDANT] while we are on normal mode it is heavily modified, zombies a quite squishy and one hit to the torso or head with a bullet, or a decent melee strike will kill them.

Vehicles ; Vehicle cap is raised from 16 to 26

We are looking to grow our community before we begin modifying the map & adding workshop as most new players in the game have the default server search filters which have workshop turned off. there will NEVER be a server wipe and you will never loose your player file though out the modification of the map. if by some reason we decide to move maps "unlikely but based on players" we will transfer all player data over.

if you have any questions please let me know!


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Server Information
Rank: 296


IP + Port:

Map: Offline

Players: Offline

Location: USA

Difficulty: Easy

Mode: PvP   NoSync

Likes: 0

Favorites: 9

VoteRewards: No

Last Query: 37 minutes ago

Registered by: beareo

Server Registered: Mar 16, 2017

Server Uptime
0% 0%
