Hey there,

we are one of oldest Unturned community bringing new updates and mods on daily basis. We also have active and friendly admins and try to maintain the community in such manner, join us on Discord and improve everything with us.

Can you survive?
-Kits - lumberjack, hunter, hero, bandit
-TPA - enabled for all players so you can reach your friends faster
-Shop - all items are added in ingame shop
-Feast - happens every 20 minutes on different location
-Death announces - server alerts for kills and deaths
-Pay - get payments by time you play on our server, every 20 mins get Kittens
-Zombie rewards - kills zombies to get currency and kill mega zombies for bigger reward
-Restart announce - always know when server is about to restart, even check uptime "/time"
-Vote rewards - Vote for us and get kit on our servers (Ghillie,Soldier or Police)
--VIP subscriptions for better kits and home command - shop.mindbdsm.com
-Forum - www.mindbdsm.com
-Discord - Mindbdsm Comms

How to vote for a server

To vote for this server click the Like button located here!

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Server Information
Rank: 310


IP + Port:

Map: Offline

Players: Offline

Location: Europe

Difficulty: Normal

Mode: PvP   NoSync

Website: Click here to visit this server's website!

Likes: 0

Favorites: 7

VoteRewards: Yes

Last Query: 2 minutes ago

Registered by: mindbdsm

Server Registered: Aug 6, 2017

Server Uptime
0% 0%
