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Unturned server focused on the players and some action THIS IS A SURVIVIAL HARDEND SERVER MORE ZOMBIES WILL SPAWN AND THERE IS NO TPAING TO YOUR BUDIES., there is an rptown and safezone for anti raidable housing. Modded with game expanding mods and suggested mods by the community. Special kits/perks will be for VIP's or higher only, base starter kits will be open to all.
Collection of mods: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1240844367

Server includes: Extra zombies for harder survival, extra loot spawns, events (for when theres enough players on) Rptown/Safezones, Extra vehicle and base health by 2x, VIP kits that arnt pay to win, Friendly admins, Growing community.

1. Rasicism is not allowed, perma ban
2. No basing in or near mili bases. [Base will be destroyed/Removed]
3. Bullying is not allowed. [Warn, Then ban]
4. Cussing is allowed but over use will result in a mute.
5. No disrespecting staff or players
6. Do not ask for items or vehicles play to survive theres plenty of loot and vehicles.
7. Do not camp the safezones to kill others who are coming out, you will be banned.
8. Do not get in a vehicle lock it then move on or leave you will bestripped of all gear you have gotten and your base will be removed for being a D-bag
PvPvE: Allows the KOS (Kill on sight) rule but you may choose to play PvE if you are passive, just know others may not be so if you dont want to get raided or killed I suggest you be sneaky and base in the safezone.

Jobs: Jobs have been added type /jobs public/private to view then /joinjob (jobname). furture kits for them will be applied later on.

Admin/Mod's: For those who are staff let me tell you this now as I will later on, if u abuse in anyway I will demote you with no 2nd chance. you have been warned.

Shops: You can sell anything in the rptown shops but vehicles, Admin shop will allow you to buy anything spawnable (Admin must be on for shop to be open) To craft money use metal scrap/Sell to others/Find them in carepackages/ Use the moneykit only gives $100 every 3 hours or donate to us to gain extra daily moneys.

Donating: Server is run off of donations, those who help out the server get special perks (Faster tpa/home/kits a tag in game and if they donate over $15 you will get your very own kit) [With limits]

CorruptGaming Unturned
By: Virtx
All the mods used in the Unturned server will be in the collection

Vote Rewards are on Unturned.servers and unturnedsl

Steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/CorruptRpCommunity
Discord: https://discord.gg/AKWPe8N
Server IP:
Website: https://corruptgamingu.enjin.com/home/m/47523335
[The website is used for the store and server donations only.]
Im in need of staff with experience, and from differnt time zones.
Instant Connect: https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=http://steam://connect/

map is on Hawaii
Open to suggestions for server, also in need of player base.

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Server Information
Rank: 1584


IP + Port:

Map: Offline

Players: Offline

Location: USA

Difficulty: Normal

Mode: PvP   Sync

Likes: 0

Favorites: 2

VoteRewards: Yes

Last Query: 1 minute ago

Registered by: Virtx

Server Registered: Dec 21, 2017

Server Uptime
0% 0%
