A PvP Isle Of Wolves server.
24/7. PvP. A few mods, a great map. Everything you need for some good fun.

Rules are simple:
1. Raiding is absolutely allowed
2. KOS is discouraged but allowed
3. Killing admins and raiding their bases is absolutely allowed
4. If you suspect an admin of abusing join the discord and report the issue under the "reports-errors" text channel.
5. Being a donator does not make you invincible, anything gained from donating is fair game for players to murder you for.
6. If you are given admin/moderator there will be absolutely no abuse on your end, you will lose the rank and not get a refund.
7. Please be friendly [Or not, its your call]
8. Don't be "that guy"
9. Do not repeatedly murder new spawns, they're just trying to play as well.
If an Admin is abusing his power and not accepting that he lost or was shot, report him to me through discord, I will take care of it.

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Server Information
Rank: 1429


IP + Port:

Map: Offline

Players: Offline

Location: USA

Difficulty: Normal

Mode: PvP   NoSync

Likes: 0

Favorites: 1

VoteRewards: Yes

Last Query: 4 minutes ago

Registered by: Zeallust

Server Registered: May 1, 2018

Server Uptime
0% 0%
