Unturned hardcore players you may rejoice!

We have worked hard to build a brand new unturned experience which utilizes the full power Rocket while still making Hardcore players be able to fall in love with a new PvE focused unforgiving monster of a server. The only command you have is TPA with a 100-second cooldown (due to the map's insane size, 4x the size of Russia). This makes sure you leave a fight a lot harder. We went for a map this large as we wanted people to make raiding less of an option for the strong players (allows weaker players to build up stopping a dominance via the stronger players). Despite our an urge for a challenge we do not want utter bastard of a server where there is no playing field between players. To also help with the balance we made armor multiplier 2 making every shot that very much more important allowing weaker players to ambush people stronger than them by various tactics (we cannot wait to see what you do).

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Server Information
Rank: 1224


IP + Port:

Map: Offline

Players: Offline

Location: Europe

Difficulty: Hardcore

Mode: PvP   NoSync

Likes: 0

Favorites: 0

VoteRewards: No

Last Query: 2 minutes ago

Registered by: randomfag

Server Registered: Aug 27, 2018

Server Uptime
0% 0%
