The first Unturned server is up- It's a survival, pvp friendly server on Russia! Have fun!
Port: 28765

RULES FOR Cortex Gaming Network’s DISCORD!
These must be followed at all times- even by staff. Please report staff who break these to the owner/higher admin. @everyone
Rule 1) Do not purposefully insult, call names, trigger, or piss off another user just for your own enjoyment. A little bit of roasting is always fine, but if you feel it's too much, it probably is. please keep it nice! :Sakura_ThumbUp:

Rule 2) Do not post NSFW in any room. NSFW is strictly prohibited in every room except for #dungeon-nsfw, or rooms otherwise stated.

Rule 3) Listen to staff at all times. If you feel like staff are being abusive or using their role against you, please report it to a higher up or another staff, using DMs.

Rule 4) Do not spam, clog, or purposefully fill chat up in any way, shape or form. This counts with images, videos, text, emojis, etc. This will get you banned, muted, or kicked.

Rule 5) Keep bot commands in the bot command rooms. Failing to do so will get you muted.

Rule 6) If accusing another player of cheating/breaking rules, keep it clean. Do not slander or insult the person you're accusing, or vice versa. If you feel like somebody has wronged you, take it to a higher up, and talk about it like a normal human.

Rule 7) Common Sense. It's an easy rule that nobody knows how to follow. If you think it's wrong, it is. If we think it's wrong, it is. Please use your head people.

Rule 8) Absolutely no discord invites in ANY channel, advertising in voice chats, or DMing user with them. If you're looking to get members for your discord, either talk to us about partnering, or go be annoying in another discord.

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Server Information
Rank: 1109


IP + Port:

Map: Offline

Players: Offline

Location: USA

Difficulty: Normal

Mode: PvP   Sync

Website: Click here to visit this server's website!

Likes: 0

Favorites: 2

VoteRewards: Yes

Last Query: 4 minutes ago

Registered by: GeneralChicken

Server Registered: Nov 21, 2018

Server Uptime
0% 0%
