"Warring Kingdoms is a story driven server series, spanning multiple time periods (maps) where players
choose sides, fight battles, and make choices to make their kingdom reign supreme"


Players are prompted once they join the server to choose a side A or B (better names forthcoming) and then
are automatically swept to that Kingdom's territory. The Kingdom's territories are safe zones,
which cannot be destroyed or raided. There is an overarching ranking system that as you kill enemies,
you rank up and earn additional titles, commands, kits within your chosen Kingdom. There are periodic epic
loot spawns in each territories stronghold that you can use to arm yourselfs, but you must also be skilled
at forging outside of your defenses to gain your kingdom food, ammo, medicine, buildables, and weapons.
There are several key areas of the map that are key choke points, that are near natural resources (military
base, quarry, deadzone) that each faction will fight to control. Aditionally, epic loot will spawn
at these choke points to make them even more worth fighting for. Additionally, you may build anywhere
outside of your stronghold, just be warned, you don't have the comfort of safety as you do in your territory.

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Server Information
Rank: 1064


IP + Port:

Map: Offline

Players: Offline

Location: USA

Difficulty: Normal

Mode: PvP   Sync

Likes: 0

Favorites: 0

VoteRewards: No

Last Query: 4 minutes ago

Registered by: ChefKillz4Thrillz

Server Registered: Dec 26, 2018

Server Uptime
0% 0%
