Server Commands :
- /TPA
- /Home
- /Kits
- /kit [Kit name]
- /Jobs : *Public* Jobs on the server
- /JoinJob [Job Name] : Joining the Job that you will be able to use it's kit
- /LeaveJob [Current Job] : Leaving your current job [After you left your job you can join a new job]
- /vote : Vote on our server to get $400 cash in-game
- /reward : you can use this command to get your reward [$400] after you voted on the server
- /msg [player] [message] : can send a private message to a player using this command
- /pm [player] [message] : can send a private message to a player using this command
- /pay [player] [amount] : can send money from your balance to another player
- /balance : Your money in your bank [you can sell your cash for bank money]
- /buy $[5,10,20,50,100] you can buy cash using your bank balance
- /sell you can sell your cash for Bank balance .
- /Rules : make sure to read these rules + rules in RPTown [/warp RPTown] before start Roleplaying.
- /cv : Call a vote for an event [day,night.airdrop]
Bans & Kicks rules :
3 Warnings = Kick
4 Warnings = Ban [10 min]
5 Warnings = Ban [40 min]
6 Warnings = Ban [1 day]
7 Warnings = Ban [5 days]
8 Warnings = Ban [30 days]
How to vote for a server
To vote for this server click the Like button located here!