
Server Banner Image
100 member player vs player server set in hardcore! 24/7
-Friendly admin
-Lots of mods
-Plugins for a bit of convenience
-Ranks for those who want more and are willing to show dedication to the server (Aka cool title with a few in-game and discord perks)
I'm excited to provide an amazing experience for those running away from the toxic childish side of Unturned!

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Server Information
Rank: 579


IP + Port: MisfitsCrew.ddns.net:27015

Map: Offline

Players: Offline

Location: USA

Difficulty: Hardcore

Mode: PvP   Sync

Website: Click here to visit this server's website!

Likes: 0

Favorites: 0

VoteRewards: Yes

Last Query: 28 minutes ago

Registered by: Derakwolf

Server Registered: Oct 4, 2020

Server Uptime
0% 0%
