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Lixon Survival Server
tpa - so you coud tpa to a persone or even a friend.
home - so when you get a bed you can go to that bed easy and fast.
3x loot - we made 3x loot so it isnt too mutch or little.
kits - we have couple of kits .
and you can join from where ever you want from every country
server 24/7
ip :
port : 27015
Lixon Survival Tpa | Home | 5X | Kits | EU
We just started so yea and we don't he any players here so we woud really be happy if someone coud come and join
discord - https://discord.gg/fYJggJPYB7

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Server Information
Rank: 546


IP + Port:

Map: Offline

Players: Offline

Location: Europe

Difficulty: Easy

Mode: PvP   Sync

Website: Click here to visit this server's website!

Likes: 0

Favorites: 1

VoteRewards: Yes

Last Query: 4 minutes ago

Registered by: Kevlar

Server Registered: Nov 24, 2020

Server Uptime
0% 0%
