Unturned Classic Network 2.2.5

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Update: New IP! 9/30/2023

Unturned Classic Network was launched as part of an effort to bring back that classic unturned experience that we all know and love, even if newer unturned is the new normal for many players in the unturned community. We are dedicated to bringing you that classic unturned 2.0 experience by any means necessary. We have a friendly community and a nice, fun and welcoming server for your enjoyment! We hope to see you soon here at Unturned Classic Network!

Our Steam Group - https://steamcommunity.com/groups/UnturnedClassicNetworkUS

Our Discord Server - https://discord.gg/hSWSuf3P2P

The server is up most of the time except for right now due to the fact that it just was opened two weeks ago and a lot of debugging is on-going. Please be sure to join the discord!

All Donations are accepted through PayPal!

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Server Information
Rank: 42

Version: 2.2.5

IP + Port:

Map: PEI

Players: NA / 32

Location: USA

Difficulty: Normal

Mode: PvP   NoSync

Likes: 0

Favorites: 9

VoteRewards: Yes

Registered by: ItsWAWGaming

Server Registered: Jan 22, 2021
