GodlikeHost Server


To your attention, the game project Lite Survival is a Semi-Vanilla principle.
The main language of communication is English.
We don't have imba donate, /i, /v, etc.
Only balanced kits that you can view in our store: https://lite-survival.tebex.io/category/kits
The project has free bonuses free-kits???? , there is a reward system for inviting friends.
The rules are not very strict, which in turn removes some stiffness that is often present in other projects, rules?
If you have any questions regarding the project, you can contact the administration using the convenient ticket system when contacting support????

Lite Survival was launched on November 4th, 2022.
Server is located in Germany.
Server restarts daily at 5AM UTC +1 CET.
Server is wiped on the first day of every month.
Last Wipe: 04.11.
Next Wipe: 01.12.

Commands available for player:
/kits - to see available kits;
/kit start - to get kit start;
/vault - to open virtual storage (5x5);
/tpa player - send a request to the player to teleport;
/tpa accept - accept a request to teleportation from player;
/tpa deny - cancel a request to teleportation from player;
/tpa cancel - cancel a request to teleportation from yourself;
/home - teleport to your beg;
/game - to start mini-game;
/website, /site, /store,/donate,/support,/shop,/discord,/telegram,/info,/help,/rules - website commands.

srv4.godlike.club:26000 - Ip,Port
https://lite-survival.tebex.io/ - WebSite/Store.
https://t.me/litesurvivalunturned - Telegram.
https://discord.gg/gJ4tkCzGFJ - Discord.

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Server Information
Rank: 129


IP + Port: srv4.godlike.club:26000

Map: Offline

Players: Offline

Location: Europe

Difficulty: Normal

Mode: PvP   NoSync

Website: Click here to visit this server's website!

Likes: 0

Favorites: 0

VoteRewards: Yes

Last Query: 24 minutes ago

Registered by: Svyatan

Server Registered: Nov 4, 2022

Server Uptime
5.54% 5.54%
