The Unturned Lads

This server is for those lads who stay unturned in the hardship of the zombie apocalypse.

This is a public server meant for any and all to come join. We use some rocket plugins like /TPA and /Home. No economy or anything similar. We might add some steam workshop items in the future to spice things up, but other than that feel free to join and play.

We update the server about once a week and back it up regularly.

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Server Information
Rank: 111


IP + Port:

Map: Offline

Players: Offline

Location: USA

Difficulty: Normal

Mode: PvP   NoSync

Likes: 0

Favorites: 0

VoteRewards: No

Last Query: 6 minutes ago

Registered by: GinNoNazo

Server Registered: Jan 10, 2023

Server Uptime
20.27% 20.27%
