• This server includes Neerbeer's feast plugin, which provides plenty of pvp action at feast item spawns.
  • All structures and barricades have been buffed to allow for strong base building, but not buffed enough to prevent raiding.
  • Some other consumables/weapons/other items have been buffed or nerfed.
  • The Server has no lag on disconnects(Thanks Nessin)
  • Rules: No griefing/hacking/exploiting/glitching.
  • Raiding is absolutely fine and encouraged, but when attacking someone else's base ensure you only destroy what is necessary. Making an entrance into a base is fine and breaking chest is fine as well, but try to only break chests if you intend to rob and not to grief

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Server Information
Rank: 5782

Version: 2.2.5

IP + Port:

Map: PEI

Players: NA / 32

Location: USA

Difficulty: Normal

Mode: PvP   NoSync

Website: Click here to visit this server's website!

Likes: 0

Favorites: 5

VoteRewards: No

Registered by: driz

Server Registered: Aug 31, 2014
