A Simple server, desingned for those who seek only to survive against the wild, not worying about getting a headshot.

Simple Rules:

1 - Do not break anyone else stuf, that includes, but not limited to: Crates, Beds, Bridges, Houses, Electric appliances, Torches, Chests and Crops

2- Do not steal, you dont need to, if you are in need, call for an Admin.

3 - Respect Everyone.

**Soon, Donations Perks


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Server Information
Rank: 5682

Version: 2.2.5

IP + Port:

Map: PEI

Players: NA / 7

Location: South America

Difficulty: Gold

Mode: PvE   NoSync

Likes: 0

Favorites: 1

VoteRewards: No

Registered by: lionlorena

Server Registered: Oct 14, 2014
