This server is a 24/7 PVP no sync server at the moment its only 8 player slot but if donation are received we will upgrade the server for more slots.
Donation link:http://www.gameservers.com/clanpay/?clanid=cf7e578e45c107b398ea590fe04a025d
if you donate $5 you will receive:1 ruck sack,Swissgewehr or maplestrike or Zubeknakov,any melee weapon,7x zoom scope,silencer,laser sight,nato drum or savage drum and any set of clothes and armour.
if you donate $10 you will receive:1 of any back pack,1 of any gun,1 of any melee weapons,4 of any weapon attachments (mags are counted as weapon attachments),and any set of clothes and armour.

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Server Information
Rank: 5947

Version: 2.2.5

IP + Port:

Map: PEI

Players: NA / 8

Location: Australia

Difficulty: Gold

Mode: PvP   NoSync

Likes: 0

Favorites: 0

VoteRewards: No

Registered by: koraysgaming2

Server Registered: Oct 26, 2014
