Hacking/excessive harrasement/trolling = instant ban without warning.

The main purpose of the server if for a Let's Play. I've been wanting to do an Unturned Let's Play for a long time, but honestly, me just dicking around by myself in the game would be pretty boring.

So I thought a server of my own to play with a bunch of people might make for something interesting!

You can use the server to play the game, play it friends, or to try to kill me repeatedly (but be warned, I won't go down easy!). Do what you feel like!

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Server Information
Rank: 5957

Version: 2.2.5

IP + Port:

Map: PEI

Players: NA / 8

Location: USA

Difficulty: Normal

Mode: PvP   NoSync

Website: Click here to visit this server's website!

Likes: 0

Favorites: 0

VoteRewards: No

Registered by: hoopera

Server Registered: Oct 27, 2014
