
<<Important note: Server IP will be disclosed when player joins Hamachi network, to confirm player identity and evade server-crashing bots>>

Unturned Peaceful is a server Divided in many factions and teams, each team can claim locations and create bases, communicate or trade with eachother, or wage war by sabotaging other's bases with Indirect PvP, or go on a all out war invading with all you got; Live wild and untamed, running throughout the map, Or live neutrally, seeking refuge in the Citadel.

The server will be open as long as Unnamed.ender (Me) can host it, as it is a Hamachi server and a proper host could not be bought, The server may close unexpectedly at times;

Preferred language for use in the server is English(Us/En); But Portuguese(Pt/Br) and Spanish can also be used, refrain from using other languages in global chat.

The server is hosted trough Hamachi, There are many Hamachi groups, for each of the teams, which are locked with special passwords, but there also are public hamachi groups for starter players and players with neutral alignment; The IP will be given in Hamachi.

The public hamachi servers are as follow:
UnturnedPeaceful1 (Passcode: up1)
UnturnedPeaceful2 (Passcode: up2)
UnturnedPeaceful3 (Passcode: up3)

More Server Information:

The Citadel -
The Citadel entrance is located in Charlottetown with a bridge that leads in Oultons isle, Its a safezone, here players may not be attacked and they can trade peacefull with eachother with no fear of being attacked, And those who do attack players in the citadel will be banned.

The White Reaper Faction -
The WRF is the Admin's and VIP's faction, It is also located in Oultons isle, It is the wealthiest of all factions, Its claims extend to Charlottetown, Kensington campground and St. Peters island;

WRF Trade system:
The White Reaper faction is mostly neutral to all others, and won't ally, but will trade with all other factions; Tokens accepted are Weapons of any kind, Bullets, Armor, Food and Water; That can be traded between eachother; Scammers will be killed.

All other factions:
Other factions are free on their will, they may be Neutral as well as they can be a threat to all others, or a safe haven welcoming other players; They can choose to trade, or live of their own.

Admins are choosen by unnamed.ender (Me) and will help manage the server, a Admin is automatically part of the WRF; They can help other players, give out and trade WRF's possessions, and point out players that break the rules or cheat, thus banning them.

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Server Information
Rank: 5316

Version: 2.2.5

IP + Port: Hamachi:25444

Map: PEI

Players: NA / 12

Location: South America

Difficulty: Normal

Mode: PvP   NoSync

Likes: 0

Favorites: 1

VoteRewards: No

Registered by: Halno

Server Registered: Apr 19, 2015
