
General Rules

Breaking these rules could get you kicked or banned from our Servers. Remember that ignorance is not an excuse.

Respect Staff Member and others on the server. Punishable by Admin or Mods choice.

Only English in Global chat. You may talk in any other language in Group, Local or Voice Chat. First offense will result in a warning, followed by a kick or ban.

No racist, pornographic, drug, political, or religious talk in public chat. Punishable by warning or ban.

Do not spam the chat or you will be punished (This includes all caps). First offense will result in a warning, followed by a mute, kick or ban.

Do not advertise. This includes advertisement of other servers, services etc. However Twitch and Youtube is fine with the permission of the Owner,Volcano,or chrisVN. First offense will result in a warning, followed by a kick or ban.

Do not use any third party program or any form of modification that gives you an unfair advantage (This includes spy-protection). Hacking will result in a PERMANENT ban.

You are responsible for your account security. If your friend, dog, cat, mother, son, cousin, etc. logs onto your account and gets you banned, it's still your fault and you won’t get unbanned.

No excessive insults, threats offensive language. Mild banter is acceptable. Punishable by a warning, followed by a mute, kick or ban.

No racial slurs, religious slurs or any form of offensive stereotypes talk in chat.

Do not ask admins for items. Punishable by warning, followed by a kick or ban.

Do not avoiding being killed, muted, slayed, gagged, silenced, banned or punished by an admin in any way. Punishable by warning, kick, or ban.

Player names with offensive language are forbidden, Punishable by warning, followed by a kick or ban.

Abusing glitches is forbidden. Will result in a punishment depending on the severity of the glitch used. Punishable by a kick or ban.

Any form of player or staff impersonation is strictly forbidden. Punishable by Admin or Mods choice.

You can not change your name in order to confuse, trick or troll other players. You can not pretend to be someone else/someone new. Punishable by warning Admins choice.

(PvP) Do not complain about being killed, it's Player vs Player deal with it. Punishable by warning or kick.

(PvP) Asking to the admins to give your lost items in case you die, you won't get your stuff back. Punishable by warning or kick.

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Server Information
Rank: 138


IP + Port:

Map: The aftermath

Players: 0 / 24

Location: Europe

Difficulty: Easy

Mode: PvP   NoSync

Website: Click here to visit this server's website!

Likes: 0

Favorites: 1

VoteRewards: Yes

Last Query: 26 seconds ago

Registered by: ViruZ

Server Registered: Sep 22, 2022

Server Uptime
64.79% 64.79%
